Goldeneye 007 Tutorial: Dam 00 Agent

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This is a tutorial for Goldeneye 007. For an outline of the strategies used in this tutorial, see the main level page.


World Record - 1:54

Cut both cinemas right away. Begin in a left strafe and look down and take the left route before the bridge. 50% of the time you'll get a boost here. If you want some consistency, restarting would be the best option since 7 bars isn't so great later on... continue along into the tunnel and look up once you are in there. If the guard on the right begins to shoot pretty fast, strafe to the left somewhat to dodge his shots and try to injure/kill him if you can. Otherwise just stay close the right wall. As you round the next corner, there is a small chance you'll get boosted here. Restart if this happens because this boost won't help you one bit and like I said before, 7 bars SUCKS before entering the dam (could be even 6 if you got that first boost). Anyways, you could get another boost before getting to the switch. I again suggest a restart.

After hitting the switch, the double doors should open soon after you get to the left side. Straight ahead should be a guard near the tower. You can take him out by running at him or skip/injure him on the strafe. Take out the green guard to get his KF7. Once you see the first alarm, shoot it out on the move with your PP7. If you killed the guard, pause just after opening the gate. If you didn't kill the guard, pause with yourself aimed at the panel just around the corner with the boxes. Select the modem and throw it on the panel for Objective B in the little gap between the closest boxes and the edge of the hut. Getting this far isn't too consistent (25%) if you want to have the WR or near WR speed and 8 bars.

Continue along and shoot out the lock with the PP7, quickly going back into a left strafe. After going through the gate that had the lock, the next place you want to go is the first tower on the right. You can lookdown until you get there if you want. Anyways, at the turn before the door, just run straight for the door so that the alarm is in view quickly. Shoot it out in 5 shots with the PP7, beginning to move after the 4th shot connects into the tower.

Go down the stairs in a right strafe and open the door to the left once you get down there. Take a left and ignore the first guards you see. Once around the boxes on the left still in a right strafe, injure the left guard you see up ahead with your PP7 while hugging the right wall. For the next section, just strafe by the guards behind the boxes and again injure the guard you see on the left hugging the right wall. If your aim is off by much, you'll probably get a back boost here. You should have at least 6 bars at this point.

For the next section, you'll want your KF7 out. There are 2 guards, both behind boxes. You want to take out the one on the left since your strafe line will be blocked otherwise. Once he's shot, continue along for the door just after the red light. Chances are that you'll get hit 1 or 2 times in this area. As long as you have 4 or more bars, you still have a reasonable chance to complete. Head for the mainframe killing the guard up ahead and injuring the guard immediately to the left at the turn before the mainframe and press B so that Objective C will eventually complete after the countdown. Change back to left strafe to head back the same way you came. There isn't much strategy here except strafing the best line you can to the FAR tower.

If you are very low on health and don't mind having a time over 2:04, you can exit from the same tower you came from. There is a spot in the section with 2 boxes on the left and 1 set of stacked boxes where guards could be in the way. Just use for KF7 for them if they are in the way. If you have 2 or more bars by the time you get back to the 1st tower door, keep going. Chances are you'll only get hit once more at this point. It is possible to be hit 3 more times at this point though.

Once you are at the far tower door, change to a right strafe to open the door, and then a left strafe going up the stairs. If you have 6 or more KF7 bullets, use that for the alarm at the top. Get nice and close so every shot hits. Open the door to your right and change to the PP7 to get a warp. Continue in a right strafe making a left turn to head for the 2nd tower (in this case the final tower). Make the left turn and quickly open the door. Hopefully you can aim the alarm quickly and shoot it with your PP7. After hitting it for the 3rd or 4th time, start backing up for the final stairs while shooting out the last alarm for Objective A. Left strafe up the little stairs and to your long fall to the end.